API World: Cybersecurity

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APIs under control

The speed at which fake news travels has endorsed application programming interfaces. The danger is there, but it's easier to avoid if we have the APIs under control. 

APIs, Cybersecurity / 12 November 2019
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New digital identity thanks to APIs

A large part of the user authentication protocols in the new digital age –both proprietary solutions in the hands of companies such as IBM or Oracle and open solutions like OpenID and OAuth 2.0– are based on application programming interfaces (APIs). 

APIs, Cybersecurity / 21 November 2018
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Security in mobile APIs: OAuth 2.0 vs basic HTTP access authentication

Using an optimal credential or authentication system is vital to ensure the security of an application programming interface. OAuth 2.0 has become the basic security protocol for mobile APIs development and for providing credentials to launch native applications. The basic HTTP access authentication method does not guarantee the same level of security.

APIs, Cybersecurity / 20 September 2018


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